

Learn about Alabaster



The stone of the Heart




The name Alabaster derives from the Ancient Egyptian lioness Goddess of protection Bast. Sacred Alabaster objects have been found in the tombs of pharaohs and ancient temples throughout history.


The stone has been mined for thousands of years in Upper Egypt in The Valley of the Kings. This is Tutankhamun’s Wishing Cup found in his tomb in Luxor amongst his treasure trove.


Craftsmen have passed down this carving art for generations as a reflection of their cultural heritage.


The stone ranges in color from white to gold and rusty red. The marbleized banding found in Alabaster is the result of thousands of years of embedded minerals from the desert. The raw stone is brought to the factory workshops carried on the backs of donkeys. This translucent stone is cut, lathed, carved and polished to create exquisite objects that allow the light to shine through.


Alabaster attributes


Forgiveness: self forgiveness and the ability to forgive others.

Alabaster helps to spark creativity and promote inspiration.

Helps to calm anger & anxiety.

Alabaster is a drawing stone: it has the ability to magnetize in or draw things away with intention.

It can absorb energy from other stones, meaning you can have the property of more than one stone within it.

Alabaster works wonderfully in attracting things that are spiritually connected to a higher purpose.



Alabaster Hearts

Attract Love.

A wishing stone.

Truth, Integrity & Protection Amulet.

Connects the Heart to the Soul.


The Heart of Egypt is in partnership with the Princess Diana Alabaster Factory, located in The Valley of the Kings in Luxor - Egypt. The artisans create the Alabaster hearts by hand. Each one is unique and holds a sacred Egyptian energy with all its wonderful attributes.



Alabaster and you

suggestions on how to enjoy your alabaster heart


Our Alabaster hearts  come with a leather cord. It is interchangeable and can be worn with a chain, ribbon or choker. The heart can be worn sideways or at various lengths. It also comes with a stand for altar placement.




Crafted using time-honored techniques, the ornament of these Egyptian spheres is inspired by traditional flowing arabesque designs. Etched and pierced by hand, the patterns – held to symbolize infinity and eternity – cast dancing shadows on surrounding surfaces.